Saturday, March 22, 2008

Proud Grandparents

Nana & Grandad

Grana & Pap

This is long overdue but I wanted to say thanks to the grandparents- first for hanging in there until the bitter end. Edward was born at 3:19 am and even though we had many visitors earlier in the evening everyone had to go by midnight. But the grandparents hung in there. Ed was sick and didn't even get to hold Edward, he had to be content looking through the nursery window. He did eventually get better and got to hold him after we came home. My parents stayed with us for a week and a half after Edwards birth and were a huge help. All the cooking, cleaning, and amazing amounts of laundry were done without so much as a thought from me. Andy's mom got to dress him for his first doctors appointment. He has been and continues to be showered with lots of love from all four of our loving parents. Thank you to Nana & Grandad, Grana and Pap- we love you and Edward is already spoiled- good work.
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